Monday, March 14, 2011

Coffeehouse Night - got musical or artistic talent?

Well, it's official - our PTA is planning a coffeehouse art and music night! It's an opportunity for our students, parents, alumni, staff and any local artists to show off what they can do. Right now we are looking for musicians, singers and artists who may want to perform (music, poetry, etc.) or display their art. If you are interested, please contact Art Liaison Clara via the contact form on the LJM website.

The event is scheduled for Friday evening on April 29 - the week we come back to school from spring break. Details are still being developed but a flyer will come home in the next week or two about it. (Yes, we're putting it out there early because we want to give our talented peeps plenty of time to practice, rehearse and make art!)

stay tuned! 

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