Things We Need

 We need all kinds of assistance to make things happen. Each blog post that posts an idea for art will have a list of 'what is needed to make this happen'. So browse the site using the keywords or the archive listing and find projects that you are interesting in helping with. When you contact us, let us know if there's a specific thing you want to help with. Or, if you have resources we can tap into, share that info.
  • We can use parents as workshop/group leaders, as donation-askers, as sign-makers, as promotors, etc.
  • What do you do? For a living and hobbies?
  • Do you know someone who you can ask to help?
  • Do you know someone who would sponsor the event/project?
  • Do you know people who would donate supplies, materials, etc?
  • Are you good at something - have a talent? A passion? Does not need to be art related! We need human resource talents, writing talents, incredibly charming talented people...
  • Are you an artistic soul or creative? Any sort of "arts" - sewing, painting, quilting, photography, hair stylist, makeup artist, computer/video talents, building/construction/tile/concrete/landscaping/etc, painting (as in house painting)... 
  • If you are musical, think about joining our 'house' band, MOMS WHO ROCK
Please add a comment to this page (will be public) or contact the Art Liaison (to privately contact us). Thanks! (click on the word 'comment' in the footer area of this post to leave a comment)

We are looking for 2 used portable storage units. Does anyone know someone who can help with this? It can be a direct link to getting them or a sponsor who can pay for us to purchase. The sponsor's name will be prominently displayed on the units.

We could use the talents of all kinds of artists in all the art fields including:
Fine art artists, graphic artists, muralists, caricature artists, fashion designers, hair and makeup stylists, animation artists, jewelry designers, silkscreeners, quilters, mixed media artists, crafters, tailor/seamstresses, photographers, sculptors, concrete artisans, metal artisans, woodworkers/handy people, dancers, singers, DJs, audio/visual specialists, actors, landscape artists...etc.

We'll post a generic listing of supplies here as needed, but each Art Attack/Initiative/Idea will have a list of needed supplies listed in the post

We really need at least one portable storage unit to store the various items that we'll be building. If you have a contact or can get your company to purchase or sponsor us so we can purchase one, we'd be forever grateful!

Other things we're looking for:
  • Mannequins - whole or half, with our without heads, any kind! They can be ding'd up - if we are able to procure any, they will be used for a public art project

Sponsorship opportunities are welcome.
The school has absolutely zero budget for any arts outside of what teachers do in the classroom. It's really up to us as parents to help and if we ask our community to also lend a hand, great things can happen! Things that our kids will benefit from.

Please step forward and ask someone you know to do the same. Everyone little bit helps. Every little bit makes a difference.

Thank you!
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