Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Want to see some great art by LJM parents?

I happen to know of some amazing artists who have kids here at LJM. I'd love to organize an art show for parents' art. If you are an artist of any kind, would you be interested in sharing your art with our students? How do I 'draw' you out of the woodwork? please keep reading...

I've already talked to Miss Patti, our wonderful librarian, and she's said that we can put artwork in the library if we were to have an art show/gallery. And, we can also use the MPR to display art.

So, now...I just need to know who our artists are. And, I'm not just talking drawings and paintings...I'm talking about every kind of art you can think of...animation, fiber arts, mixed media, sculptures, mosaics, quilts, fashion design, photography, hair and makeup design, doodling, music, dancing...show me what'ya got! You can contact us through our contact page and make sure you include a link to your website/blog or even your youtube videos.  Tell me your ideas if you have any on how to set up the art show...or publicize it. Let me know if you are willing to help and how.

If you know an artist (even if they don't 'go' here) please feel free to ask if they are interested in participating. The more the merrier....

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